National Geographic Wild Nordics

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mandag 10. Feb.

World's Deadliest Animals

National Geographic Wild Nordics
Sesong 1Episode 12007 50min

North America

North America is home to an array of wild creatures.creatures that have roamed the continent for millennia. Among this myriad of species is an elite group of twelve --an assembly of animals, insects, and arachnids-- equipped with an arsenal of predator skills. Now, witness their magnificence by journeying into their inner sanctums. From the painted deserts to the coastal waterways, to the dense forests, to our own back yards.they creep, crawl, and live where we live, work, and play. The shows climax comes when we reach the animal whose size, strength or fearsome reputation looms above all others. For this superlative denizen of the natural world, we not only go in depth to examine the magnificent adaptations that have allowed it to survive and thrive, but we also hear from someone whos met it first hand, and lived to tell the story. Theyre beautiful, theyre highly evolved, and theyre dangerousthey are North Americas Deadly Dozen.