
Oppskrift: Slik lager du blomstertrykk på klær

Nå er det bare å få blomsterengen inn på skjorta!

La sommerblomstene sette farge på klærne dine. Det er enklere enn du tror å lage naturlig blomstertrykk selv, alt du trenger en hammer og sommerblomster.

Til dette prosjektet brukte vi et skjerf i lin og en skjorte i bomull. Denne teknikken skal også funke på papir. Her kan du velge å bruke markblomster, eller blomster fra blomsterbutikk.

TIPS! Teip fast blomstene i ønsket mønster før du hamrer løs.

Du trenger:

  • Blomster
  • Hammer
  • Tape
  • Strykejern
  • Klesplagg
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This is the fabric that I hand dyed with flowers and leaves during one of @buttonsbecca 's fabulous, really enjoyable workshops, called 'flower pounding'. ? I didn't want to overwhelm the natural flower prints with embroidery, so I just outlined the leaves with a version of fly stitch. ? The focal flower was stitched by outlining the petals with yellow chain stitch in 2 strands of the 6 strands of Anchor cotton thread. Then each petal was filled in with long buttonhole stitch which gives a light effect, showing the natural dyes behind the stitches. Once the beads were stitched in the centre of the flower, that just left the final stage: each chain stitch was back stitched with gold thread. This gave another texture and helped to draw attention to the focus flower. Now to frame it! ? ?? TIP: When using gold thread, cut shorter lengths than you would normally with cotton threads. Otherwise, the gold thread may start to fray, become rough, or break as you stitch. This is caused by friction with your fabric. Using a slightly thicker needle is advised, to make a larger hole in the fabric for the metallic thread to pass through with less friction. #handprintedfabric #handprinted #beccabuttons #metallicthread #goldthread #chainstitch #flystitch #backstitch #flowerprinting #flowerprint #flowerpounding #handembroidery #handembroidered #embroidery #embroidered #focusflower #craftworkshop #craft #crafts #stitchingstyles #naturaldye #naturalprint #ecodye #ecoprint #howtodoneedlework

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